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SCHILTHORN PIZ GLORIA   |   anniversary trailer

find the magic of the schilthorn – the courageous spy (pascal ulli) is commissioned to investigate the schilthorn area. despite the many challenges, he makes a daring and adventurous accent to the summit. the soundtrack is inspired by bond and will be the schilthorn cableway ltd. anniversary song. 


regie, kamera, schnitt - allmenfilms

drohnenpilot - sven allenbach

aerial/cineflex - samcam

sound fx - christian häni

produktion - simon von allmen, christian häni

buch - simon von allmen, christian häni

kamerassistent - fontafilm

maske - viviane fux

geheimagent - pascal ulli

bondgirl - monika erb

bösewicht - heinz lehmann

stimme - pascal ulli

stimme am schluss - dominik zeltner

musik - christian häni

gesang - josua romano

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